Picture of Harry

Hi. My name is Harry, I'm a Guide Dog Puppy in Training and this is my Blog.

Atherton Appeal

Harry supported Guide Dogs' appeal to equip the brand new training school for the North of England at Atherton. He was keen to help as he was to be one of the first puppies to train at the new school.

Harry was at the launch of the appeal on 7th October 2008 where he got to meet the Press. One of the newspaper articles can be seen here.

October 27, 2008

Surfin’ Safari

No trip “up north” would be complete without a trip to the beach – Harry’s idea of heaven, so on Saturday morning we took we took him down to Tynemouth beach.

Harry, inspired by tales of local celebrity Harvey the surfing Labrador, decided that anything Harvey could do, he could do better. After a good look round the beach to make sure Harvey wasn’t around to steal the limelight, Harry bravely strode out into the surf and selected his wave.

Harry striding out into the waves

But as the wave crested and then broke, Harry lost his nerve decided that maybe surfing wasn’t really for him. He ran back to the shore as fast as could, the wave nipping at his heels all the way.

Harry frantically outrunning his wave

As he recovered his composure back on the beach, Harry decided to stick with what he does best – digging holes in the sand. Besides, he doesn’t have a surfboard, and everyone knows you can’t really surf without a board.

From now on Harry’s going to let Harvey have all the glory and he’ll stick to watching from a distance – on YouTube.